Recently, the New Year cluster in Sri Lanka led to the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country recorded its higher and higher dailypositive cases, which caused the shortage of the treatment centers and hospital beds, the Country reaches Pandemic Alert Level-3.
In the face of the third wave of the pandemic, at the call of China Embassy and China Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka, China National Aero-Technology International Engineering Corporation(AVIC-ENG) offered a temporary tent facilities with the size of 30.48m×12.20m to Mulleriyawa Hospital as the quarantine center and handed over to Sri Lanka government on 21st May.
AVIC-ENG has been devoting to Sri Lanka economic development with USD 250 million investment of Astoria Complex Development Project at Colombo 3 providing the commercial building and luxurious residential apartments, with developing the livelihoods projects in many sectors, with taking an active part in social welfare activities including donation to the LawrisChildrens’ Homefor 6 years, many times of donating money tothe disaster-hit areas of land slide, assisting the Red Cross Society of China to conduct the flood relief in Sri Lanka, many times of donating to the schools, the homes for the aged and Special Education Schools along the Extension of Southern Expressway from Matara to Beliatta and so on.